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Messages - sekseit

Pages: [1]
OFF-TOPIC / TibiaME MOD exp to next level need help
« on: November 13, 2020, 01:42:55 AM »
Hi all,
I have ask about tibiaME mod. How to make exp to level different than 7M?

I need to see precised count of exp to next level, for example I have 7, 896 540 to next level, but in mod i see only 7M to next lvl. How to change it in ui_base?

somebody knows?

Request / Re: 139 spell quest- 50 mobs to kill script
« on: October 18, 2020, 05:17:46 PM »
Then here u go, I attache all waypoint file.

Request / 139 spell quest- 50 mobs to kill script
« on: October 18, 2020, 03:11:15 PM »

I created script for 50 mobs in 139 spell quest, but when I activate script there are lots of mistakes. For now I see only one error, but i can`t solve it on my own so I can`t see the next error and I suppose there are more of them.  [badumtss]

I will attache screenshoots of that errors and i will also attache script as text saved in notepad++ (because there we can see number of line where the mistake is).

I would be greatful for help, maybe Mindee od DemonLord, because u are proffesionals with scripts and I`m still begginer,
but I`d love to understand my mistakes :)

Thank you so much for your help and time :)

Request / Skrypt doratia gorgoros pomocy
« on: October 08, 2020, 12:20:13 AM »
Cześć, mam taki skrypt z forum naszego. Problem w tym, że od 4 godzin mam 5 adamanties i dalej expi na petraclops. Jak ustawić, żeby po wydropieniu 5 sztuk zakończył wykonywanie tego questa i przeszedł dalej do Darktaur?

W załączniku skrypt skopiowany do notatnika:

Z góry dzięki

Hi there!, I`ve got a script for doratia and gorgoros in one. The problem is that for 4 hours I`ve got 5 adamanties and it still hunts on petraclops. How to switch script to make my bot stop hunting petraclops after dropping 5 eggs?

I attache copied script into notepad.

Thx in advance.

General Discussions / Re: Mindee BOT mobile
« on: October 06, 2020, 09:51:28 AM »
Is there some news about android bot? :D

Pages: [1]