Here is the list:
DC1, DC2 - socket channel is closed. (Connection is closed from client-side or server-side.)
DC3, DC4, DC5 - connection is being closed for already connected character, while connecting to already connected character and etc.
DC6 - character disconnection when closing tab.
DC7, RELOG - character disconnection while connecting to already logged in (ingame) character.
Error... - failed to send packet. (Connection is closed/blocked.)
Excep... - failed to send/receive packet. (Connection is closed/blocked or etc.)
LAG - character didn't manage to connect to the server in two minutes.
Log Out - character was logged out by player.
STAM - character was logged out by stamina system.
Hp/Mp - character was logged out because of low hp/mp.
Died - character died.
TRAP! - character was logged out by anti-trap protection.
GM - character was logged out by anti-gm protection.
Failed, Failed1 - connection was closed by error message like "Too many players online" and etc.
Offline - failed to connect to tibiame server. (Server is closed?)
KICK, KICK1 - character was kicked out from the game by other user. (Mindee?)
Mindee - character was kicked out from the game by me.
Incorrect - connection was closed, because character password is incorrect.
Wrong Cl - mixed emulator windows and etc. (Not in use anymore).
Script - disconnected by the script.